Antonio P. Sberna

Antonio P. Sberna

Research fellow in Structural Engineering

Politecnico di Torino


Antonio P. Sberna is a Research Fellow of Structural Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Turin in Italy. His research activities mainly focus on structural optimization, with a specific focus on enhancing seismic retrofitting design of existing structures. He spent a period as a visiting researcher at the University of California, San Diego, where he contributed in performance-based design methodologies for seismic retrofitting interventions in non-ductile structures.

Download my resumé.

  • Structural Design
  • Earthquake Engineering
  • Structural Optimization
  • Computer-aided structural design
  • Existing structures retrofitting
  • PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2024

    Polytechnic University of Turin

  • Visiting researcher, 2023

    University of California San Diego


University of California in San Diego
Visiting research period
Dec 2022 – Dec 2023 San Diego (US)

Research topic: Seismic retrofit optimization of non-ductile RC buildings using soft-computing techniques within the framework of probabilistic performance-based earthquake engineering.

Advisor: Prof. Joel P. Conte

Polytechnic University of Turin
Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Oct 2020 – Sep 2024 Turin (Italy)

Research intererest: Optimization of retrofitting intervention of existing structures. Artificial intelligence applications for seismic engineering and collapse risks reduction.

Advisors: Prof. Giuseppe Marano and Prof. Fabio Di Trapani

Polytechnic University of Turin
M.Eng. Civil Engineering (structures)
Oct 2017 – Jul 2020 Turin (Italy)

Master thesis (in english): Optimal seismic retrofitting of reinforced concrete buildings by steel-jacketing using a genetic algorithm-based framework

Advisors: Prof. Fabio Di Trapani and Prof. Giuseppe Marano

University of Catania
B.Sc. Civil and Environmental Engineering
Oct 2013 – Apr 2017 Catania (Italy)

Bachelor thesis (in italian): Influenza dello sforzo normale sul collasso plastico di strutture intelaiate (Effect of axial load on the plastic analysis of frame structures)

Advisor: Prof. Annalisa Greco


in International Peer-Review Journals


in National and International Conferences

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(2022). A new GA-based framework based on Expected Annual Loss for optimizing seismic retrofitting in reinforced concrete frame structures. 19th ANIDIS Conference - Seismic Engineering in Italy , 11th-15th September 2022 | Turin (Italy).

Source Document

(2022). A novel genetic algorithm-based optimization framework for minimizing seismic retrofitting costs in existing masonry structures. 19th ANIDIS Conference - Seismic Engineering in Italy , 11th-15th September 2022 | Turin (Italy).

Source Document

(2022). Genetic algorithm‐based seismic retrofitting optimization for existing masonry structures. 3ECEES - 3rd European conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, 4th-9th September 2022 | Bucharest (Romania).

PDF Source Document


Presentations in conferences and workshops

Organizing committee of international conferences and courses

Teaching activities


Thesis advisor

Reviewer activity

Peer-review for the following international journals:
